
Essential Tax Planning for Expatriates and Foreign Companies in Pakistan

So you’ve decided to take the plunge and expand your business into Pakistan or have accepted an exciting new expatriate role in this emerging market. Congratulations! Now it’s time to make sure you have a solid tax strategy in place. As an expatriate or foreign company operating in Pakistan, the tax rules can be complex. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll walk you through the key things you need to know about the Pakistani tax system and how to minimize your tax bill through strategic planning. We’ll look at the different types of taxes you may face, exemptions and incentives you can benefit from, and smart steps you can take to optimize your taxes. By the end, you’ll feel equipped to navigate the Pakistani tax landscape confidently and gain valuable insights to help your business thrive.

Understand Your Tax Liability as an Expatriate or Foreign Company

As an expatriate or foreign company operating in Pakistan, it’s critical to understand your tax liability. Pakistan’s tax laws can be complex, but some basics apply:

  • If you’re an expatriate employed in Pakistan, your income is subject to income tax. The rates range from 5-35% depending on your tax bracket. Make sure your employer is withholding the proper amount from each paycheck.
  • As a foreign company, you must register with the SECP and obtain a National Tax Number (NTN). Then you’ll need to file an annual income tax return and pay any tax due. The standard corporate tax rate is 29%, though incentives may apply for certain industries.
  • In addition to income tax, you’ll owe other taxes like sales tax, federal excise duty, and withholding tax. Sales tax applies to most goods and services at 18%. Withholding tax is deducted from certain payments like dividends, interest, royalties, etc. The rates vary from 10-20%.
  • Double taxation treaties can help you avoid being taxed twice on the same income. Pakistan has treaties with over 60 countries, so check if your country of residence qualifies. The treaties often reduce withholding tax rates and clarify which country has primary taxing rights.
  • Keep good records of your income, expenses, tax filings, and payments. In case of an audit, the documentation will be critical to substantiating your tax positions. The statute of limitations is 5-6 years, so keep records for at least that long.

With some understanding of the tax rules and careful planning, you can legitimately minimize your tax burden in Pakistan. But make sure to comply fully with your obligations, or severe penalties may apply!

Use Double Tax Avoidance Agreements to Your Advantage

As an expatriate or foreign company operating in Pakistan, you can take advantage of the double tax avoidance agreements (DTAAs) Pakistan has with over 60 countries to avoid being taxed twice on the same income.

Pakistan’s DTAAs typically provide exemptions or reduced withholding tax rates on dividends, interest, royalties and capital gains for residents of the other country. To claim DTAA benefits, you must provide the relevant tax authority in Pakistan with a tax residency certificate from the tax authority in your country of residence.

  • Dividends: Most DTAAs cap the withholding tax on dividends paid to non-residents at 15% or less. Some provide an exemption for shareholdings of a certain size.
  • Interest: Many DTAAs cap the withholding tax on interest paid to non-residents at 10-15% or provide an exemption for certain types of interest like interest on loans from banks and financial institutions.
  • Royalties: DTAAs often cap the withholding tax on royalties for the use of intellectual property like trademarks, patents and software at 10-15%. Some provide exemptions for certain types of royalties.
  • Capital Gains: Most DTAAs exempt non-residents from tax in Pakistan on gains from selling shares or other capital assets. Some provide exemptions only for substantial shareholdings.

By understanding the specific provisions of the DTAA between Pakistan and your country of residence, you can structure your affairs to take maximum advantage of the reduced tax rates and exemptions available. But be sure to maintain proper records to substantiate your DTAA claims, as the tax authorities may ask for evidence that you meet the conditions to claim DTAA benefits.

Take Advantage of Tax Incentives and Exemptions

As an expatriate or foreign company operating in Pakistan, taking advantage of available tax incentives and exemptions can significantly reduce your tax burden. The Pakistani government offers several tax relief programs you should explore.

Tax Holidays for New Investments

New investments in certain sectors like power generation, infrastructure development, and tourism may qualify for tax holidays, exempting you from income tax for up to 10 years. To qualify, you must obtain approval from the Pakistan Board of Investment.

Exemptions for Non-Residents

Non-residents are exempt from tax on interest earned from bank deposits, dividends, and capital gains on the sale of shares. Royalties and technical service fees paid to non-residents are also exempt from withholding tax.

Avoid Double Taxation

Pakistan has signed double taxation avoidance agreements with over 60 countries, including the US, UK, China, and UAE. These treaties ensure you are not taxed twice on the same income by both countries. You can claim tax credits in your home country for taxes paid in Pakistan.

Special Economic Zones

Businesses operating in designated special economic zones (SEZs) may qualify for a 10-year tax holiday and duty-free import of capital goods. Over a dozen SEZs focus on sectors like textiles, food processing, and information technology.

Charitable Donations

Donations to approved charitable organizations are tax deductible up to 30% of your taxable income. You can reduce your tax liability by donating to causes you support.

Taking the time to understand what tax incentives and exemptions may apply to you can significantly lower your tax obligations in Pakistan. Be sure to stay up to date with any changes to tax laws and policies that could impact your tax planning strategies. With prudent planning, you can make the most of the tax benefits available as an expatriate or foreign company in Pakistan.

Hiring a Chartered Accountant With Tax Planning Expertise

Hiring an accountant in Pakistan who specializes in tax planning for expatriates and foreign companies is key. They can help you take advantage of all the deductions and exemptions you’re entitled to under Pakistani tax law.

Find an accountant with the right experience

Look for an accountant, tax advisor or chartered accountancy firm that has extensive experience working with expatriates and foreign companies. They should be up to date with the latest tax laws and planning strategies that apply to your unique situation. Ask about their credentials, qualifications, and client references to ensure they have expertise in this specialized area.

Develop a customized tax planning strategy

A good accountant will take the time to understand your entire financial situation. They can then develop a tailored tax planning strategy to help minimize your tax liability in a legal and ethical manner. This may include things like:

  • Claiming all eligible deductions, exemptions and rebates
  • Setting up the most tax-efficient business structure (branch, subsidiary, etc.)
  • Optimizing the timing of income and expenses
  • Using double taxation treaties to avoid being taxed twice on the same income
  • Estate and succession planning to reduce taxes when assets are transferred

Handle ongoing compliance requirements

In addition to tax planning, your accountant can ensure you meet all compliance requirements in Pakistan. This includes tasks like:

  • Preparing and filing annual income tax returns
  • Calculating and paying advance and final income taxes
  • Maintaining proper records and documentation
  • Advising on withholding tax requirements for employees and contractors
  • Keeping you up to date with any changes in tax laws or reporting requirements

Hiring an experienced accountant in Pakistan is essential for expatriates and foreign companies to achieve effective tax planning and stay compliant under the country’s tax laws. With the right accountant on your side, you can feel confident your tax obligations are in good hands.

FAQs: Tax Planning for Expats and Foreign Companies in Pakistan

As an expatriate or foreign company operating in Pakistan, you likely have many questions about the country’s tax laws and planning strategies. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions to help you navigate the tax landscape.

Do I have to pay taxes in Pakistan as an expatriate?

Yes, as an expatriate working in Pakistan, you are considered a tax resident and required to pay income tax on your Pakistan-sourced income. The tax rate depends on your tax bracket, which is determined by your taxable income.

What taxes will my foreign company have to pay?

Foreign companies operating in Pakistan are subject to corporate income tax on taxable income earned in Pakistan. The standard tax rate is 29% of taxable income. Foreign companies are also required to withhold tax on certain payments like salaries, rent, royalties, etc. Withholding tax rates range from 10-25% depending on the type of payment.

Are there any tax incentives or exemptions available?

Yes, Pakistan offers various tax incentives and exemptions to promote foreign investment. Some options include tax holidays, reduced tax rates, and exemptions for certain sectors like technology, infrastructure, and tourism. Special Economic Zones also provide tax benefits for companies establishing operations in designated areas.

How can I reduce my tax liability?

There are several ways for expats and foreign companies to lower their tax burden in Pakistan:

  • Take advantage of available tax incentives and exemptions
  • Set up a branch or subsidiary rather than a liaison office which is subject to higher taxes
  • Claim allowable deductions and exemptions like entertainment, travel, and housing allowances
  • Contribute to approved retirement funds and pensions to reduce taxable income
  • Consider establishing operations in a tax-efficient Special Economic Zone

Following Pakistan’s tax laws and taking advantage of planning strategies can help ensure you meet your obligations while optimizing your tax position. Be sure to consult a tax expert for guidance on your unique situation.


So there you have it, some key tax planning strategies for expats and foreign companies operating in Pakistan. The tax rules can be complicated, but with proper planning you can minimize your tax burden and avoid any unwanted surprises. Work with tax experts who understand the ins and outs of the Pakistani tax code and stay up to date with any changes. The few hours of time and money you invest in tax planning at the beginning can save you a lot of hassle and cash in the long run. Pakistan has a lot to offer, so make the most of your experience there by planning well and staying compliant. Keep these tips in mind and you’ll be well on your way to making the tax season a lot less taxing!

About Us

Usman Rasheed & Co Chartered Accountants is a leading financial advisory and audit firm in Pakistan, having offices in Islamabad, Quetta, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar & Gilgit. The firm is providing Audit, Tax, Corporate, Financial, Business, Legal & Secretarial Advisory services and other related assistance to local and foreign private, public and other organizations working in Pakistan

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